Hi Paul, Glad I stumbled on your post here, I’m testing …

By 20th April 2024 Uncategorised

Comment on WordPress CloudFlare Flexible SSL – Making It Work by Amit.

Hi Paul,

Glad I stumbled on your post here, I’m testing my Flexible SSL on WordPress on a non-production instance prior to taking it live. There’s definitely quirks!

I had a question on Cloudflare over https. One of the main reasons that Cloudflare is great is that they provide a “free” CDN as well. When you add a page rule, all other control disappears, e.g. cache control, how long resources are cached for, etc.

So the question is – does Cloudflare actually cache static resources under HTTPS, and if so – what exactly are the cache settings? If I wanted to tweak things like I can with normal page rules e.g. “Simple caching”, “Aggressive caching”, etc. – how does one do that?

It seems a two-sided coin here, there’s a lack of CDN control, even through you get SSL (which is great).


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