Multiple WordPress Management Features: Site Optimization

By 24th October 2013 April 16th, 2018 iControlWP: Manage WordPress Better

iControlWP WordPress Management LogoWordPress is run on a MySQL database and like any system of data storage, it needs to be maintained to ensure it’s running optimally.

iControlWP offers several options for helping to keep your sites in top form.

In this article we’ll outline the main feature available within iControlWP to let you manage your WordPress sites faster, optimizing them to serve your visitors faster.

Optimize the WordPress database regularly with ease

Data is being written to and removed from the WordPress database all the time. So to ensure only the database is structured for optimal performance, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

We have provided an integrated WordPress database optimization tool that’s very simple to use and means you don’t need any dedication optimization plugins. (See below)

iControlWP: WordPress Database Analysis

WordPress Database Analysis

(‘Analyse’ will produce a summary of your database letting you know if any optimization is required in any database tables.)

iControlWP WordPress Database Optimization

WordPress Database Optimization

(Checking to Optimize will optimize the WordPress database and return an analysis of your WordPress tables showing them to be optimized.)

Clean Up By Removing Posts Revisions and Drafts

As you use WordPress, writing posts and publishing, it will automatically create auto-saves, drafts, and revisions of your posts. These all add to the bulk of the database and serve little purpose once the post/pages have been finalized.

There are also SPAM comments and trashed comments which are also taking up room and serve no purpose.

It’s worth cleaning out these old revisions and comments regularly, and iControlWP have provided the option to do just that within the site optimization section. (See below)

iControlWP: Clean-Up WordPress Posts and Comments

Clean-Up WordPress Posts

(You can choose any and all of the options for cleaning up your site. Remember to review your comments before deleting them and be sure you absolutely don’t need previous post revisions.)

Keep WordPress Clean

With iControlWP it’s easy to keep WordPress clean, trim and healthy.

After you’ve made it a bit more secure and used our plugin to lock it down, all you need to do is keep it clean to have the best maintained WordPress site on the block.

It’s the seemingly small things that make the big different on your site.

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