Remove ads by supporting the WordPress Twitter Bootstrap plugin

When you install the WordPress Twitter Bootstrap plugin, you’re presented with 1 ad that can be closed immediately.

People are actually going as far as to give the plugin a 1 / 5 star rating on simply because we display that ad in the WordPress admin area.

Some even call it SPAM.

And to be honest, it’s tough to hear that.

And it’s also hard on us because it lowers the plugin profile and any trust new users may have in it.

This issue of ads in our plugin has come up in different forms over the past couple of weeks, so, we’ve added a new “feature” to our WordPress Twitter Bootstrap plugin – an Ad Free version.

Why do we even have ads for the Twitter Bootstrap plugin?

If you’re a developer and you take a quick look at the Twitter Bootstrap plugin, you’ll immediately see that extensive development has gone into it.

If you’re not a developer, then sorry, but you have no idea how much time has gone into developing and supporting this plugin for the past 18 months.

Compensation for hundreds of hours of development: $0.00

Now I’m not complaining – we use this plugin for our own sites, and we enjoy developing it, adding new features, and improving upon what’s there.

But let’s be fair here, we don’t need to share this, and we certainly don’t need to offer support for it.ย  But we do.

That’s our choice, and we’re happy with it.

So to help promote our iControlWP WordPress management service, we’ve thrown in a few ads here and there (which can be hidden!) to make you aware of our other services.

I don’t think that’s such a terrible thing.

So we’ve decided, if there are people who genuinely want to support our work and remove the ads from the plugin, we should make that easy.

How to remove Ads from the Twitter Bootstrap WordPress plugin?

Support it.

Not directly, but by using our services.

When you subscribe to iControlWP and link your site to your account, a signal will be made to the Twitter Bootstrap plugin that you’re using our service and to no longer display any marketing notices or ads.


In due time we’ll roll this out to our other WordPress plugins, but for now it’s only in the Twitter Bootstrap plugin.

Not only will you get a great service with our iControlWP WordPresss site manager, you hide the ads in the plugin, and you feel great supporting a project that helps you.

What more could you ask for? ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • Max says:

    Thanks for making such an important and massively useful plugin available to the WP community!

    While ads can be a bummer, I say you’ve earned the opportunity to advertise the existence of your other awesome services, as long as the ads can be hidden as an opt-out for those who are just not in the market for iControl services (yet).

    Aloha ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • missT says:

    well, is not the plug in i seek right now, but wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and those like you that SHARE these with us so graciously.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you!

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