Migrate All Sites To iControlWP, from ManageWP in a few minutes.

iControlWP WordPress Management LogoDue to increasing demand from our clients to add their sites in bulk to their iControlWP accounts, we’ve created the ability to do so easily from within the ManageWP and InfiniteWP services.

What does this mean?

If you currently use either ManageWP or InfiniteWP and you want to quickly import your sites to your new iControlWP account, we’ve created a Code Snippet just for you ๐Ÿ™‚

Bulk Add Sites to iControlWP From ManageWP and InfiniteWP

Code Snippets from ManageWP and InfiniteWP are a pro/paid-addon feature of the respective services, so in order to use this, you’ll need to have this feature available on your account.

All you need to do is copy the whole block of code below, and replace the email address variable with your iControlWP account’s registered email address.

Then, grab your unique accounts authentication key and put it in the appropriate place.

Then just run the code snippet on your sites.ย  A full how-to is below.

Code Snippet Source Code

To get the latest code snippet code, you can view it in our help desk here.

Step-by-Step How To Add Sites Using Code Snippet

  1. Copy and paste all the code above into a plain text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
  2. Log into your iControlWP account and go to your account preferences.
  3. Within Account preferences, locate your unique account authentication key and copy it (see image below).
    iControlWP Unique Account Authentication Key

    iControlWP Unique Account Authentication Key

  4. Open up your text editor from part 1 and paste this unique authentication key into your on line 4.
    You must keep the quotes that are there. So in this example, line 2 would read:

    $sAuthenticationKey = "rxKCVybQmFBztWTjfQQkMqWxX3oonHJv";
  5. Next, you need to edit line 1 with your email address.ย  This email address must be the email address for your iControlWP account. If the email address and the Auth key don’t match, this wont work.
    Again, remember to keep the quotes!
  6. Now install the iControlWP plugin on all your sites and activate it. You can use ManageWP itself to do this quite quickly.
  7. Go to the Code Snippets tool.
    ManageWP Code Snippets Menu

    ManageWP Code Snippets Menu

  8. Select all the code from the text editor you created in Step 1, and paste it into the Code Snippet box.
    iControlWP - Remote Add Site Code using Code Snippets

    iControlWP – Remote Add Site Code using Code Snippets

  9. Select all the sites you wish to add to your iControlWP account.
  10. Click the ‘Execute‘ button.
  11. All being well, you should receive a message for each site saying: ‘It appears that the site was successfully added to your account.’

And that’s it!

You shouldn’t need to do anything more and you can check that the sites are actually active in your iControlWP account by loading your list of sites.

If you have any suggestions about how we could improve this code snippet, please feel free to drop us a message in our help desk, or find us on the chat and let us know what you think.

Happy WordPress management! ๐Ÿ˜€

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