Anyone who has ever backed-up their website will know the one question that gnaws away at them as they sleep.
This question is universal to all backups.
It’s easy to answer, but it can be a real pain.
What’s the question?
If my site dies today, will my last backup actually work?
If you’re backing up your sites using ZIP files that you copy to your Amazon S3/Dropbox every day, then to answer this question is quite a bit of manual work.
Why? Because not only do you have to get the zip to a test server/site, you have to:
- create a new database on your test server
- change all the links in your your SQL file to work for your testing server url
- import the database
- extract the zip and upload all your website files
This hardly ever works first go.
That will take you probably the better part of an hour to do if you’ve got it streamlined.
WorpDrive removes this work for you altogether.
With WorpDrive, you can prove to yourself that any backup you have ever made works in under 5 minutes, with the click of ONE mouse button.
How? You use the WorpDrive Test Restore feature.
How does WorpDrive Test Restore feature work?

WorpDrive WordPress Test Restore Feature
First, choose a website backup created by WorpDrive that you want to test.
Click ‘Test Restore’.
Wait a few minutes and you will receive a link to view and log into a live replica of your website.
This is completely automatic, and don’t worry, we have mastered the art of cloning WordPress websites so that they actually do work.
You’ll find the same feature touted in other places, but if you use permalinks, or text-based widgets in your WordPress site, they don’t work.
WorpDrive test restore works!
You can have a test restore site for each site with WorpDrive activated on it.
Here is some other information you should know about WorpDrive’s Test Restores:
- each test restore site is private and no-one will know the address of the website except you.
- each test restore site is live for 1 hour and will be automatically removed.
- at any given time, you can have a maximum of 1 test restores site per WorpDrive site.
- there are no extra hosting fees for test restores sites! It’s all included in the WorpDrive package.
If this alone isn’t enough to convince you of the power available to you with WorpDrive, then check out Part1: Complete Automation and Part 2: Ultimate WordPress Backup Security.
No other WordPress backup system offers you all the features of WorpDrive for the price.
Sign Up To iControlWP Free Today
To use WorpDrive you’ll need a free iControlWP account. You can get started using the link below.