iControlWP – not just another multiple WordPress manager

By 4th May 2013 January 14th, 2016 iControlWP: Manage WordPress Better

If you’re thinking we’re just another run-of-the-mill WordPress manager for multiple sites, you’ve got it all wrong.

You’re missing out.

Discover why your WordPress management is different with iControlWP

If you want to compare us to the alternatives out there, you need to have a frame of reference to do so.

Read on to see why we’re different and how you benefit when you manage your WordPress sites with iControlWP.

Pricing: No Tiers and True Pay-As-You-Go

We all manage our WordPress sites a little differently. I dare say our approaches vary as much as there are web hosting configurations – and there are a lot of them I promise you.

So if you need features A, B, and C, you’ll need a service that provides them for you.

But do you also need features X, Y, and Z?

No? Then why should you pay extra for a service that forces you to also take X, Y, and Z?

Wouldn’t it be better if you just paid only for A, B, and C?

With iControlWP that’s exactly how it works.

We have 1 premium tier – that is, you’re a client and you have a subscription with us, or you’re not. Our simple 1-tier subscription provides you loads of WordPress management features for a tiny price.

But what if you need more than the standard features?

Then you’re free to pick and choose those features when you need them, and you’re never locked into an expensive pricing tier just to get access to them.

For example, WordPress cloning. Not everyone needs to clone websites, but we’ve provided this service as an extra. You keep your monthly costs low, and when you want to clone a site, you just do it there and then.

Do you currently have access to clone? If so, how much extra per-month do you pay for that privilege?

Another example is reliable, automated WordPress backups. Some people demand high quality WordPress backups that always work. Some don’t. If you want to use our backup service (WorpDrive) you can. If you don’t, you don’t.

You never worry about paying too much – we deactivate unused licenses for you

Every time we charge you for our services, we ensure you pay the minimum charge possible.

How?  In several ways:

  1. We charge pro-rata. When you add services mid-month, we always calculate the equivalent cost based on how many days remain until the end of the month.
  2. When we charge you for your subscription at the beginning of the month, we always adjust your licenses to be the minimum necessary.

Let’s say you added 20 sites, but you removed 5 before the end of the month so you only have 15 active site licenses. Before we bill you for 20 sites, we will check to see how many you have active, and automatically re-adjust your subscription to 15 sites.  Then we charge you for a 15-site subscription.

Can you name 1 other service provider that actively works to reduce how much you pay them?

You aren’t discriminated against just because you manage fewer WordPress websites

So you only have 10 websites to manage, or maybe even just 5. Why should you pay more per-site than the big boys with 100s of sites?

Well, we believe you shouldn’t have to.

We’ve priced iControlWP at a bulk price from the start so it’s accessible to everyone, and still low-cost for even the bigger business website managers.

It’s fair, and it’s equitable.

A far smarter WordPress plugin

Other services have huge WordPress plugins that needs to be maintained on each site.

iControlWP and its plugin is 100% original, and custom built from ground zero.

Our plugin is a skeleton, built mainly to receive orders from the iControlWP server. This has several advantages:

  • Most bugs, fixes, enhancements, and service upgrades happen on the iControlWP servers, not on the plugin (your site). So you update the plugin less and we can improve things without ever bothering you. When we fix problems on our side, everyone benefits immediately.
  • A smaller plugin footprint. Our plugin is tiny in comparison and so there is much less that can go wrong
  • More processing is done on our server, not your site, which means your minimum requirements are less and compatibility with your site is higher.
  • Your site doesn’t need to enable exec() to work with our iControlWP service (currently WorpDrive backup requires it).

Other advantages of our plugin include:

  • You don’t need a special WordPress administrator username for the iControlWP plugin or service.
  • Your site doesn’t have to have a specific configuration – we don’t need special access to your wp-admin folder.
  • Your site can use split urls (where the site URL and the WordPress URL are different) and this configuration works with all our services.

You get more new features, more often, with our rapid release cycle

Anyone who has used our service for more than a few weeks will already know this.

We’re all about iControlWP and people notice it. We’re constantly improving our system and adding new features – we don’t stop.  We’re absolutely committed to bringing you the best service available for managing your WordPress sites.

We don’t have all the available features that some other services have, but we have features they don’t, features that work more reliably (so say our customers) and we’re closing the features gap.

Now it’s your turn…

We have quite a few clients who have moved from other services to us and we’d love to hear why.

Feel free to let us know in the comments below.  And, if you’re not a client yet, sign-up below for a free, unlimited 30-day trial.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Thor says:

    Ive been a customer for a while and everything icontrolwp write on this page is true. I would prefer if the backup option was a little cheaper but besides that its a good product.

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    • Paul G. says:

      Hi Thor,

      Thanks for leaving a comment – we appreciate your thoughts on this.

      Our WorpDrive backup service isn’t really comparable to other services out there because ours is compatible with any hosting provider and doesn’t have the limitation that WordPress backup plugins do. We also provide all your backup storage, which is why the service is priced a little higher.

      I’m glad you enjoy our services and once again, I appreciate it you sharing your thoughts with us.


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